Vital Signs
updated 1/26/18

Federal Budget
Oct-Dec, FY '18
(billions of dollars)
Receipts 770
 (vs. FY '17) +29 (6%)
Outlays 998
 (vs. FY '17) +47 (4.7%)*
18 worse
* before effect of timing shifts
CBO Budget Review

Federal Debt
Public 14,814,721
Intragov. 5,678,025
Total 20,590,392
Statutory debt limit, 11/30/17 20,492,747
in millions
U.S. Treasury Mnthly. Stmt.
Dec 31, 2017

Current-dollar GDP: $19,738.9 billion (+5.3%)
Advance Estimate
4Q '17 v 3Q '17 (annualized):
3Q '17 v 2Q '17:
Bur. Econ. Analysis
Dec 21, 2017

2017 proj: +2.2%
The Economist

Total non-Farm:
147,380 (+148)

Private Sector
125,039 (+146)

Fed. Gov.
22,341 (+2

State/Local Gov.
19,538.00 (+1)

Unemployment Rate
4.1% (unch)

(employment gains (losses) in 000's)
Bur. Labor Statistics
Dec. '17 Report

(Census Bureau, Jul 1, '16)